Addy | She/Her | Asian | Female | ISTP Woman | Catholc |
..DNI.. If you're gonna just sexualize me/say disgusting texts to me.
+ send weird images things to me.
(if you do this, I will block you immediately)
..remider.. I accept requests in discord. Though, I don't follow back on social media (Only if you're my friend.)

..discord.. miss_addy

Addy | She/Her | Asian | Female| ISTP Woman | Catholic |
..Loves.. Jesus Christ, Kpop, Books, Anime, Music, Nature, Animals, Money, Friends & Moots, Me, My Mother, & etc...

..Dislikes.. Toxic, Disrespectful, Immature, Racist People, Abusers, Bullies People for NO reason, Bodyshamers, etc...
..Notes.. You're enough, You're amazing, You're doing a great job, love Yourself, Don't let anyone bring you down, Be confident, Drink well, and Eat well.

Addy | She/Her | Asian | Female | ISTP Woman | Catholic |